Hi Helyna! I'm so glad you are back. Sorry for misunderstanding about that. I Thought Ukrain was part of Russia. Forgive my some-what-ignorance of geography. Is the Ukrain part of the Baltic States, like where friends of mine are from, in Regia Latvia? Also, from what you told me, is the Ukrainian language different from Russian language, Just like in Latvia; and that you speak Ukrainian, Russian and English like my friends speak Latvian, Russian and English? That is Awesome that you speak THREE languages, fluently!!! I wish I was that smart to learn all the languages I so long to learn!!! I guess instead of trying to communicate with you in Russian, I should learn Ukrainian. Yes/Dah? If so, please teach me how to say a few things in Ukraininan, until I can get some Ukrainian language learning resource materials. That would be so nice. When I was in my 20's I always wanted to visit Regia, Latvia, parts of Bellaruse and Kavrave, Russia. I use to wish I could live there, too. Everyone I have ever met from there, has always made me feel like I was part of their family. Always so Deeply kind and loving; Just like you, my sister, and I thank you for that, too!
That is wonderful that you already have nice parties and get-togethers with you mother & her friends, with all traditional homeland cooking. See, we do think alike, LOL! I know that is what is helping Your mother stay so well, at her age; Your mom being so active and you being so supportive of her and helping her the way you do. Besides being a blessing to others when cooking and serving meals, it is such a blessing to help give them joy, with love. It is a proven medical fact, that joy/happiness/love is like a medicine and much stress & much sadness causes sickness by wearing down ones immunity, within the body.... If you can keep joy, even in the midst of adversity & hardship it helps you to overcome all odds and helps ones body to heal faster....That is a scientifically-proven medical fact. That is why I always believe in treating my guest like royalty. I love to wait on people hand and foot, being a hostess, helping them be happy. I try, any way, because I know how important it is, to do so and because I love them with family love.
We had company over today, technically yesterday, on Monday. I stayed up all night till 6AM cleaning and cooking. Then I woke up at 10:30 AM-Monday, got up at 10:40AM, went to the grocery store, cooked and cleaned more and set up the table with my best dinnerware & gold silverware and best wine-dinner glasses that have a black flute that matches my dinner plates. That is why I wasn't on here, much, today(Monday). Then I had to clean a lot after everyone left. I am exhausted now, and will go to bed soon. I have to try and get SOME sleep. LOL!
How was your trip to Hong Kong? I hope it was a pleasant one and that you avoided the storms that hit Tiawan first, then came inland to Hong Kong. At least you were safe, and I am thankful for that! We all missed you, while you were gone and are glad you are back.
I need to check a few post, now and then go straigt to bed. I really really Need some sleep. Hope you have a Blessed night!
Love Your Sister, Eagle/Stacey